Movie: X-Men
Eric Lensherr and Charles Xavier two young people with superhuman powers. One can manipulate any metal with his mind, one has immeasurable psychic abilities. A random course of events throws these two youths together and intertwines their life's forever.
Faced with an unaccepting world, they turn to each other and a love/hate relationship blooms. How do two young boys reconcile unimaginable power and the love their feel for each other?
Along the way they meet other people with powers and soon it becomes clear they'll all need a place to stay safe. Charles finds an unoccupied mansion in the countryside and thanks to lax local squatting rules and a long-distance University course, 'Professor' Xavier's school for gifted youngsters is born.
Extract from script
Scene 34. Day. Ext. Mansion garden.
CHARLES XAVIER and ERIC are walking round the garden of the mansion.
Eric, we're running out of room for all these new boys you keep bringing here. Frankly I'm not even convinced some of them have powers.
What do you mean?
Well take Matthew, over there. What is his power?
The power of amazing cuteness.
Well, Eric, I'm just not sure. We just don't have the room.
Okay, if it means that much to you, I'll talk to them. They can all share beds. After all, it didn't do us any harm.
ERIC reaches out for CHARLES' hand.
Oh, you always know how to get around me.
CHARLES takes ERIC's hand and the walk off together.
Movie rating
3 out of 5 – The Wolverine/Cyclops sex scene makes this worth a viewing, even if the movie is a bit of a talker.